Payroll Services
Payroll Stress? Let our office take it away today!
- Free Initial Payroll Setup
- Child Support Payments - We collect and pay
- New Hire Reporting - State required
- 940 Deposit - We collect and pay
- 941 Deposit - We collect and pay
- Court Ordered Garnishments - We collect and pay
- Setup for Retirement Calculations
- Retirement Plan Withholdings - We collect and pay
- Health Savings Account Calculations
- Health Savings Account Transmissions
- Time Off Accruals
- Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly Payroll Options
- Direct Deposit
- Employee and Employer Portals
- Quarterly Payroll Reporting
- W-2 & W-3 Preparation
- State Withholding - We collect and Pay
- Local Withholding - We collect and Pay
- Workers' Compensation Reporting
- Employee Wage Verifications
- Custom Reports Upon Request
- Submit your Payroll Data via Upload, Email, Fax, or Phone